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Unleash Your Child’s Abilities with IQ Test

Many children face a lot of educational setbacks for many years. These setbacks affect their relationship with their parents, friends, and even themselves. It starts out with their parents noticing their low grades, and how they have a hard time concentrating. At this point, the parents tend to increase the amount of time dedicated to studying, and reduce any free and fun time on the other hand. Meanwhile, the results turn out even worse, adding mental health issues to the list of problems as well.

On the other hand, the real problem is not that the children are struggling with the learning process, it’s how the parents are ignorant enough to recognize the problems behind the struggling to solve things at the end of the day.

The mental development of a child happens actively from the day they are born till the age of five, that doesn’t mean that they stop developing afterwards, it’s just that these very first five years are the most important ones for any of our kids. It shows us, as parents, the undiscovered talents, and hidden gems of our children, as well as the weakness points that we can work on fixing.

What are children’s IQ tests?

The whole idea of children’s IQ tests goes back to the year 1905 when the French psychologist Alfred Benet decided to develop one with his colleague Théodore Simon. The Binet-Simon Test consisted of a series of easy-to-hard questions that starts out with questions that suit handicap mental children ascending till it reaches the level of the mentally genus ones.

The Importance of Children’s IQ Test

A lot of vital point lies behind knowing the mental abilities of your child, which will unlock the closed doors between you and your child, including:

Exploring Your Children’s Talents: Lots of children that suffer from academic underachievement are great athletes or amazing artists, this proves that these children are not dumb, they just have undiscovered intelligence that needs to be channeled into the right way. This is why understanding that your child is good at will help you develop these talents on both the academic and personal levels.

Identifying & Solving Problems: This will help you discover the academic problems your child might be having like dyslexia for example. When you as a parent get to know what makes your child act, behave, or get these certain results at school, you will be able to decode the problem and solve It probably by going to the right specialist. For example, a child with Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) needs a behavior modification specialist to help them with this problem.

Avoid Mental Health Issues: Academic underachieving can end up stressing your child, causing them to feel insecure, stupid, and falling behind their peers. All the previously mentioned points can be the reason behind their mental issues such as anxiety, and depression. An open conversation between you and your child could solve it all by taking any simple IQ test and understanding how your child’s brain functions.

Diagnosing Mental Disabilities: You can run an IQ test for children to diagnose mental disabilities at a young age, which will totally affect the treating process for illnesses that take a long time to discover. Being able to unhide these disabilities will help you understand your child earlier, and discover illnesses such as autism and others.

When Can You Run a Children’s IQ Test?

You can test your child’s IQ from the age 3-8, since before the age of three your child is not aware enough to understand the nature of that test, in addition to not being able to speak yet. 3-8 is the perfect age to unleash your children’s strengths and weaknesses to the world.

What Are the Most Famous Children’s IQ Tests?

  1. Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales.
  2.  Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.
  3.  Differential Ability Scales.

Free IQ Tests for Children

You can go through the IQ test with your child to measure their academic and mental intelligence at home for free via these links: