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Teachers Types Who Make Major Impacts on Students’ Lives

As World Teachers’ Day approaches, teachers’ personalities are many and varied. Get to know a number of these personalities to be able to define your own: 

The Passionate: 

He integrates passion for his profession, always enthusiastic about learning and development, engaging students in exploration and development, and conveys to them a love of learning and enthusiasm for acquiring knowledge and mastering all the details of the subject he is studying…. 

The Dedicated: 

He dedicates his life to education. He works hard and devotes extra time to writing and developing lesson plans that yield the best return, and provides all the support and assistance to the students in the hope that he will reap the fruits of his work by graduating superior batches of students to complete his educational mission. 

The idealst 

All he cares about is making a difference in the lives of his students, the community and the world in general! He desires to achieve human values and implant them in the students’ ideas so that they positively affect society, always looking for places where he can have an impact. 

The Practitioner 

He practices the profession of teaching because he has always wanted to be a teacher, his goal is to teach his students to the fullest, enjoy doing his work and adhere to the values and foundations of the profession. He constantly develops himself in all aspects, and always strives to develop students both educationally and personally. 

The Good listener: 

The role of the teacher does not end only with teaching, but what makes the teacher unique in what he does is his listening to the students and his interest in them and the ideas they have about the educational material and the extent to which they understand it, and if they face difficulties in understanding. His role in dealing with these problems comes with an open heart and a compassionate and understanding heart that gives the students confidence and security in talking to him, asking questions and expressing their feelings and fears. Not only that, but listening skills are central to the educational process to ensure that students understand and pass the material successfully. 

The Father Figure: 

He has a strong motivation to nurture and educate students before educating them. He strives for his students to achieve success and academic excellence, and is fully prepared to do everything he can and invest time and effort to achieve the best results with students. 

It is characterized by a passion that combines the passion and personality of the father and the teacher. With this character, he can form strong bonds between students that increase their love for study and study, and develop confidence between them and the role of the teacher in their lives. He tends to use innovative methods of teaching and to communicate information in a way that achieves the greatest benefit to his students. 

The Special education teacher 

The special education teacher faces a challenging profession, as he plays an important role in the education of students with special abilities from early childhood to secondary level, dealing with students with special and exceptional abilities and some social, emotional, mental and educational challenges as well. 

The nature of these teachers is characterized by their ability to organize, empathy, understanding, creativity and innovation to help these students understand, comprehend and overcome all these obstacles and achieve the success they deserve. 

No matter how different the personalities of teachers may be, their role remains one: to produce healthy, educated generations, armed with knowledge, and capable of developing our society. The teacher is the foundation of every child’s upbringing. The opportunity for students to discover the world and prepare for the future begins.