About us

Since 2010

Rowad Al Khaleej International and National Schools for boys and girls are one of the 5 main education operators owned by Al Khaleej Training and Education Company, distinguished by:

  • A specialized academic staff across various educational pathways (International Path & National Path, and Special Education Departments).
  • An outstanding geographical presence with 9 locations and 18 departments across different regions of Saudi Arabia.
  • Building an exceptional learning community for students and achieving leadership to become the top choice in the education field.
  • Offering specialized departments in special education with top experts to meet the needs of students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, learning difficulties, ADHD, and multiple disabilities.
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Educational Paths

Our Vision

To be your number one choice for education.

Our Mission

Educate, Encourage, and Enable our students to grow authentically while being equipped with skills for life, actively contributing to society, and having limitless visions for the future.

Our Policy

Our policy is centered on building an educated, creative, and responsible generation capable of adapting to global challenges and making meaningful contributions to their community.

Our Methodology

We are committed to providing a learning environment that motivates students to reach their full academic and personal potential. This is achieved through offering modern, accredited curricula that meet the evolving needs of the times, along with employing innovative teaching methods that encourage critical and creative thinking.

We foster students’ ability to take on responsibility and engage in self-directed learning and exploration. By nurturing these skills, we aim to develop well-rounded individuals who can adapt to future challenges and contribute meaningfully to their communities and beyond.

We strive to create a learning environment that promotes diversity and inclusion, rejects all forms of discrimination, and respects and values cultural and linguistic differences. We encourage understanding and cooperation among students.

We value the role of parents as partners in the educational process and strive to provide effective channels for communication and collaboration between the school and parents to ensure the achievement of comprehensive educational goals.

We prioritize integrating technology into the educational process to provide a modern and advanced environment. This enhances communication, helps students acquire technical skills, and fosters creative thinking and innovative problem-solving.

We are committed to social responsibility and active participation in the community. Our goal is to prepare students to become citizens capable of contributing positively to the development and advancement of their countries.

We are committed to providing educational services of the highest quality and continuously monitor and evaluate the educational process to ensure ongoing improvement.

ما يميزنا:

من أكبر مشغلي التعليم في المملكة

نملك ونُدير أكثر من 9 مواقع تعليمية تضم 18 قسمًا.

تنوع الخيارات

نُقدم مجموعة واسعة من المسارات التعليمية التي تُلبي الاحتياجات الطلابية المختلفة لجميع الفئات العمرية، من مرحلة الروضة حتى الثانوية.

متخصصون في تعليم ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة

تضم مدارسنا أقسامًا متخصصة في التربية الخاصة، مجهزة بأفضل المتخصصين لتلبية احتياجات طلاب التوحد وفرط الحركة وتشتت الانتباه، مما يجعلنا الخيار الأمثل لهم.

بيتٌ للكفاءات

نوظف كادرًا أكاديميًا مؤهلاً ومتعدد الجنسيات وذو خبرة واسعة في مختلف المجالات التعليمية، لضمان تقديم تعليم عالي الجودة.

بيئة مُحفزة على التعلم

نوفر بيئة تعليمية آمنة ومحفزة، مجهزة بأحدث المرافق والتكنولوجيا المتطورة، مما يشجع الطلاب على التعلم والابتكار.

منارةٌ للريادة

نهدف لنكون الخيار الأول في مجال التعليم من خلال التطوير المستمر وبناء مجتمع تعليمي استثنائي لطلابنا.

A Generational Story

For more than thirty years, Al Khaleej Training and Education has been the primary and constant supporter in the lives of thousands by providing its expertise in education, training, development, and employment for individuals and institutions in Saudi Arabia and around the world. It remains, to this day, the ideal companion on the journey to the top.

Education Sector

Rowad Al Khaleej International Schools, for boys and girls, is one of the top 5 educational operators owned by AlKhaleej Education & Training Company. We provide exceptional educational services to Saudi and international students.