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How to get ready for the exam?

Success in life!

Success in life is a result of many factors. Exams are just a good indicator for us to know our tendencies at an early age, or during the university years.

Real-life is full of success stories that began after graduation from university. We explore our talents. Find our way, get a job and learn by trial and error.

Exams and tests, however, are still an important indication that determines language skills, courses, IQ tests and so on.

Preparing for any test or exam is very important to achieve the desired goals and obtaining the highest grades possible requires some effort from parents and students alike.

Be calm!

Creating an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation inside the house puts your child at ease. On the other hand, anxiety and stress negatively affect his concentration.

Mental and psychological preparation first!

Early enough before the exam date, try to free up your mind by turning off your phone, and creating a specific place at home to focus. You can also set up a place outside, such as the club or a nearby coffee shop, as an alternative to breaking the boredom of staying at home.

Psychological preparation also includes setting goals for each subject and trying to put a certain grade for each subject in your mind and try to get it.

Setting a studying schedule with specific dates and times for each subject is also one of the most important methods of being mentally prepared.

Other tips!

  • Try to remove distractions such as mobile phones and television.
  • Make sure that your studying space is clean and tidy.
  • Use all the elements you like to make yourself comfortable, calm and focused; such as music and air freshener.
  • Sometimes, group study is useful with the participation of colleagues, but you have to be careful in choosing them in terms of compatibility of goals and commitment so that you do not waste your time.
  • Allocate time to rest, and do not forget to practice your favourite sport on time because it is useful in improving your mood.

At desk!

  • Prepare your favourite stationery set.
  • Performing the previous year’s exams prepares you mentally and academically for the exam day.
  • Summarize what you read in short bulleted points.
  • Use colours, cards and colourful stickers.
  • Get up from your place and move constantly in the room, or you can go out and have a walk for refreshment.
  • Use highlighters to mark important points.

Follow up and communication

  • Be in contact with colleagues and teachers to know the latest updates in the curriculum in terms of important parts, and whether there are parts that have been omitted!
  • Talk to teachers about their expectations for exam questions, and use them for guidance only.
  • Do not be shy about turning to a colleague to explain a part that is difficult for you to understand.
  • Search online for the information that will make you better prepared.
  • Be part of the class’s WhatsApp group, follow it and interact. Be active.

Exam Night

The atmosphere on the night of the exam is no less important than the period preceding it. Rather, it is considered a completion for it.

  • Have some soothing warm drinks.
  • Try to sleep early, and if it is difficult, try to listen to soft music.
  • Be calm and know that with the advent of this day you have done everything in your power, do not blame yourself.
  • It’s okay to stop studying completely for the day and find any activity that relaxes you.

Exam day

  • Put on comfortable clothes.
  • Have a snack for breakfast that contains carbs and sugar.
  • Go out early enough before the exam- two hours will do.
  • Choose transportation that will give you relaxation.
  • Confirm your seat number and the exam room location upon arrival.
  • Do a quick revision with the colleagues- if you have time.
  • Make sure all your stationery is ready.

Exam time

  • Start with the Azkar.
  • Don’t get nervous. It’s normal to feel like you don’t remember anything just by seeing the exam paper. It’s a temporary condition that goes away after a few minutes.
  • Read the entire exam paper before writing a word!
  • Start with the easiest and what you know.
  • Try as much as possible to set a specific time for each question, once it has passed, go to the next, and return to it again later- if you still have time.
  • Don’t pay attention to any distractions, such as attempts to cheat or noises from someone else.
  • If it happened to finish the exam early, go back and do a quick revision- at least twice.

After the exam

  • It is okay to review the answers with colleagues, but without regret, what is done is done! Regret won’t do you any good, focus on what’s next.
  • Reward yourself. If you do well in a subject, take the opportunity and celebrate your achievement.
  • If there is a period until the next exam, you can have a negative rest on the day of the exam. Enjoy the rest of the day.
  • From the next day you can start again preparing for the next subject.