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Your guide for the best summer vacation with your kids

Spending fun, enjoyable and fruitful summer vacation with the kids, is every mother’s dream! Here are some tips on how to achieve a summer camp that’s beneficial to his psychological, mental, and social development, in addition to the importance of these times in preparing him for the new school year so that he can start the new school year with enthusiasm, excitement for learning, an open mind, and a willingness to develop and succeed.

Here are some tips that will help you spend the best time with your son during the summer vacation and avoid making common mistakes that may make the vacation boring or unimpressive:

  • Make sure to create a new and different routine!

Many associates the end of the study with the end of the routine! Just because your kids are off it doesn’t mean that they are off the routine

On the contrary, maintaining the daily routine is one of the most important aspects of spending an enjoyable summer vacation free of arguments and negative energy. Therefore, you have to maintain a new routine that is more flexible than the routine of school days, that agrees with your children’s preferences and suits them the most, to maintain the pace of the day and make the most out of the free time.

For example, you can set times for sleeping, waking up, eating, watching TV, limited time for electronic games, and time for family.

  • Do new activities

Summer vacation is made to have fun and do lots of new activities with family, and friends

  • Travel to a new city with a different nature than your own
  • Practicing new sport that helps them move and interact with children
  • Attending a theater or art concert
  • Explore new attractions in your city
  • Interactive games with the family
  • Go to the beach and build sand castles


Talents development

The end of the school year does not mean that your child will stop growing and learning, as learning is a skill that must continue throughout the year. Highlighting and developing your kids’ talents are a precious gift that will strengthen their social capabilities, increase their self-confidence, their sense of value as well as the impact of what they do in their lives, and allow them to learn about their talents and what he loves in this life, it also allows them to meet new friends! Kids’ talents are unlimited! They can be talented at mathematics, languages, arts, or mind games.

The development of these different talents comes through summer activities held at school, summer camps, cultural centers, or clubs, in addition to self-learning on the Internet at home. One of the most important factors for your child to continue to develop his talent is your constant encouragement and support, giving him all the attention he needs so that this talent becomes his strength and a major reason for strengthening family relations.

  • Develop your child’s social skills and

Kids can’t enjoy playing alone… they will get bored quickly even if the game itself is fun and new! hence, make sure to provide a healthy circle of friends for your child of the same age and social circles, so that he can engage and play with them with enjoyment, safety, and consistency, and develop his social skills.

Take advantage of the summer vacation in strengthening and consolidating family relations between all family members and resolve conflicts between brothers.

Studying, exams and restrictions on the time of school may create some tension between you and your children due to a large number of orders and commitments, so the summer vacation is the ideal time to consolidate and strengthen the family bond between all family members by spending more time together, and engaging in various activities that increase communication, in addition to talking with your child about The activities he wants to do throughout the vacation and work to achieve them as much as possible.

  • Give him space to experiment, explore, and live the adventure

Children love exploration and adventures, especially in the early stages of school, so what will make your child enjoy his time the most is starting a new adventure with his friends! So make sure to add lots of activities that allow your children to interact, and play without restrictions, create chaos and have the courage to endeavor the things they are happy to play with and try.

  • Avoid allowing too much time in video games and the Internet

What destroys most of your child’s social, physical, and even psychological abilities is spending a long time playing video games, as the effect of these games cannot be easily treated. Because if he spends most of his time alone on his mobile phone screen or the Playstation, he will turn into an introvert, and he will slowly lose any desire to talk or play with those around him, or even engage in any activities that do not include video games, and therefore conflicts and arguments will increase between you and your kids, and his mental and social abilities will be affected, making him less ready to start The new school year.

  • Make it part of the action

Make sure to give your children the opportunity to participate in making decisions about the activities that you plan to do throughout the summer vacation, and try to support their choices as much as possible in line with your financial capabilities! Their participation in these plans develops them with a sense of responsibility, and an awareness of the importance of decision-making skills.

Learn more about the various summer activities to develop your kids’ talents and abilities in Rowad Al Khaleej International Schools summer camp from here.